Catherine Russell - The Studio47 Sessions
Publisher: Stella Records / Reel to Reel HAVEN
Playing time: 55 min
Specifications: half track ¼“, stereo, RTM SM 900, 510 nWb/m, CCIR, 38 cm/s
Reel(s): 2 standard metal reels, with RTM stickers
Packaging: 2 deluxe cardboard boxes, 1 cardboard slipcase, printed, with spine labeling
Inserts: 1 information sticker on each cardboard box
Translation of the German review:
After pressing the start button on my tape recorder, the charismatic singer Catherine Russell and her two musicians play their way straight into my heart. With passion, energy and expressiveness, the trio project themselves into the middle of the listening room. I sit spellbound in front of my stereo set. Sean Mason's accompaniment on the piano is fluent, clever and lively. Tal Ronen's double bass pulsates in the spectrum between dignified and exuberant playing. What a performance, what an amazing album!
Catherine Russell was born in New York City in 1956 and grew up in a musical family. Her father Luis Carl Russell (1902-1963) was born in Panama, worked in New York City as a jazz musician (piano, arranging, composing) and became famous as a band leader of New Orleans jazz and the first big bands of the swing era. In the 1930s he was musical director for Louis Armstrong. Her mother Carline Ray (1925-2013) was born in New York City, was a jazz musician (bass, guitar, piano, vocals) and worked with jazz and classical ensembles. Catherine Russell learned to play various instruments and discovered her passion for singing. She studied at the renowned American Academy of Dramatic Arts and graduated with honors. In her subsequent career as a backing vocalist, she has worked with an impressive range of artists including David Bowie, Steely Dan, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne and Cyndi Lauper and has contributed to over 200 albums. Her ability to interpret different styles such as jazz, blues, soul and pop made her a sought-after artist. She launched her solo career in 2006. Her debut Cat was followed by further albums. Catherine is celebrated by her fan base for her warm and expressive voice, her versatility and her authentic style.
The album's repertoire includes works by jazz icons mixed with lesser-known pieces. Russel transfers nostalgic music to the present day on this unique live studio recording, combining jazz, blues, swing, R&B, Afro-Cuban, ballads and film music. She honors the musical tradition of her family, especially her father with the songs Bocas Del Toro (Luis Russell) and At The Swing Cats Ball (Luis Russell, William Campbell). The artist is deeply rooted in her music and performs it with great brilliance and radiance. Most of the songs are accompanied by a short announcement with interesting content. Together with Sean Mason and Tal Ronen, Catherine Russel knows how to inspire the audience. This album is proof of how you can touch people with music both at a live concert and at home. This recording has fabulous depth and is a reference in terms of detail, proximity, balance and timing. Just imagine a live concert at home. I give it an unconditional recommendation to buy!
The recording of this album was done at Studio47 in Brooklyn (New York, USA) on 24 channels via an AWS 924 Delta console with an Otari MX-80 in pure analog perfection and was mastered via a modified ½ inch and ½ track Otari MTR-10. Some audio tape hiss can be heard in quiet passages. The two RTM aluminum tape reels are each in a sturdy, glued tape box with a lid. There are stickers with information about the contents. The boxes are inserted into an insert that slides into the slipcase like a drawer.
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